Privacy Policy

We prioritize your privacy and the security of your personal information. We are committed to providing a safe and trustworthy user experience. Here’s our simple privacy policy:

Data Collection: We do not collect any personal data or personally identifiable information from our users. Your privacy is important to us, and we have designed our app to function without the need for collecting any personal data.

Third-Party Content: We do not display any third-party content within the app. Our focus is solely on providing a seamless and personalized experience for our users without exposing them to external content.

Data Usage: Since we do not collect any user data, we do not use your personal information for any purpose. Your privacy remains protected while using our app.

Data Sharing: We do not share any user data with third parties. Your information stays securely stored on your device and is not transmitted or shared with external entities.

If you have any questions to us or anything to ask, just write us.

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